Thursday, July 19, 2007


I re-read my email to charles today and decided that I'm really mean to him. BUT YOU DESERVE IT CHARLES!


u nasty. u left the shoes u had on when we went offshore fishing in the back of our car with your nasty socks. last night we went Grocery shopping and sunny accidentally touched ur wet, smelly socks and i had to carry the food cause his hands stunk so much.

u r no.1 nasty is what you are.
u stink more than a ran over coon on the side of the road ?? Where did I come up with this??
next time i see you i'm going to slap you upside ur head

oh and go read my blog...and look at vanhdy's pic HAHA he's a clapper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha that sounded so trailer trash