Thursday, August 30, 2007

Guess Who this BIG BUTT belongs to...hha

Whoever guesses right gets a BIG prize!


Andrew's no. 1 for standing up for MAC users!!! YAY Andrew!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Caught FISH

/Users/helenchen/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2006/Roll 135/IMG_1020.JPG

19" Drum

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

God is punishing me for not liking KIDS.

The kid that I had to tutor...started to run into my wall in the dinning room after class... The first thing I thought of was "there better not be a scratch on my wall..." all the whinning..."I want to go home. What time is it?" oh I had a lot of answers for those questions...none of them nice.

Pat on the back to all you teachers out there. I wanted to slam my face into my dinning table after 1 hr with a kid.

Monday, August 20, 2007

summer training msg 2

When the Triune God becomes our experience and enjoyment, He is not only the One on the throne who is universally vast, but He is also the One in our heart --

summer training msg 2